Sunday, May 3, 2009


I'm slowly managing to find my way around this big, bold blogging world. I'm still keeping things as simple as I can as I make my way, step-by-baby-step, along. I'm surprised at how many corollary paths there are to maintaining a blog -- suddenly, I need to really pay attention to my Library Thing account and keep up with my postings there; I've joined Book Blogs, and there's much to explore, learn, and follow there; I'm trying to organize my reading, writing, and posting around the rest of my chaotic life. Let's not even begin to talk about Twitter! Throw in getting sick and then having a bad reaction to my antibiotic, and well, I wish I could just take a blogging vacation! Not the kind where you get AWAY from blogging, but the kind where all you DO is blog-related activities! No such luxury on the horizon . . .

This past week, I struggled with my review of THE RISK OF DARKNESS by Susan Hill. I probably should have written a couple of other reviews to post while I kept working on this one, but whenever I had time to write, I really wanted to work on this review. (Pacing is another thing I will have to learn!) I'll not say more about what struggles I've had because I truly hope to post it later today or for Monday, and then you can read all about it!

Today I plan to spend some time reading THE INDIFFERENT STARS ABOVE by Daniel James Brown. This is an ARC I received through Library Thing's Early Reviewer program. The book is about the horrendously doomed Donner party's experience in the Sierra Nevada during the winter of 1885-86. It seems weird to say that I enjoy reading about catastrophic events. I think what I enjoy is learning about how people endure and overcome staggering hardships. From the comforts of my modern life, I wonder if I would have the fortitude, intelligence, and (yes, sometimes) just plain luck to survive. Stories such as these also help keep my focus on what is really important in life - my family and friends, being compassionate and helpful as much as possible, appreciating the beauty of the present moment, and preparing for any possible difficulties in the future.

This past week, I also started reading MADE IN THE U.S.A. by Billie Letts which I'm enjoying quite a bit. The giveaway I'm hosting for the book is still open (until next Sunday, May 10th), so enter here if you haven't already!

I'll also be picking up again ANGELS OF DESTRUCTION by Keith Donahue. I'm finding this book to be quite intense, and when I reached the end of Book I, I decided to take a short break from it so I could digest what I'd read so far. This is a really good book, and I'm looking forward to getting back into it.

Most immediately, I'm about to turn my attention to one of my favorite little girls, RUBY THE COPYCAT. My next post will be a review of this family favorite. Come back in a little while and see if you think you'd like her, too.


bermudaonion said...

Book Blogs is a great networking site!

Toni said...

A Blog...It can be a lot to keep up with.. do your best and have fun. You blog is coming along AWESOMELY!! Take care...

Passages to the Past said...

I've heard such good things about Angels of'll have to wait on my shelf for a while, but I'm excited to read it!

Anonymous said...

I love reading Sunday Salons. Your feelings are my feelings. I've a lot to do, see and learn in the blogger's world. At times I do feel "overwhelmed," but my fun is way above my level of frustration. It's soooo much fun.