Sunday, May 31, 2009

Giveaway: THE NIGHT GARDENER by George Pelecanos

The great folks at Hachett Book Group are at it again! They have authorized me to give away five (that's 5!) copies of the paperback novel, THE NIGHT GARDENER by George Pelecanos. Pelecanos is a terrific writer and one of my favorites. Don't pass up this great opportunity to win a copy of this book. (Rules for entering the giveaway can be found at the bottom of this post.)

From Publishers Weekly Starred Review:

Pelecanos (Drama City) delivers a dignified, character-driven epic that succeeds as both literary novel and page-turner. In 1985, the body of a 14-year-old girl turns up in a Washington, D.C., park, the latest in a series of murders by a killer the media dub "The Night Gardener." T.C. Cook, the aging detective on the case, works with a quiet, almost monomaniacal, focus. Also involved are two young uniformed cops, Gus Ramone, who's diligent, conscientious and unimpressed by heroics, and Dan "Doc" Holiday, an adrenaline junkie who's decidedly less straight.

Fast forward 20 years. Detective Ramone, now married with kids of his own, investigates the murder of one of his teenage son's friends. The homicide closely resembles the earlier unsolved Night Gardener murders. Holiday, now an alcoholic chauffeur and bodyguard, follows the case on his own and tracks down Cook, long retired but still obsessed with the original murders. While the three work together toward a suspenseful ending, Pelecanos emphasizes the fallacy of "solving" a murder and explores the ripple effects of violent crime on society.

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  • Leave a comment on this post telling me you would like to win.
  • Include an @ with your comment so that I can contact you if you do win. Use a spam-thwarting format such as geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com. You must leave an @ in order to qualify.
  • You can earn an extra entry by being or becoming a Follower or Subscriber of this blog and telling me about it in a separate comment.
  • Blog about this contest and provide me with the link to the post in a separate comment, and I'll give you yet another entry.
  • Tweeting about this contest and providing me the link in a separate comment will get you one more entry. (Sorry, right now I only Tweet - Digging, Stumbling, etc. have not yet made it into my repertoire.)
  • Winners must provide a U.S. or Canadian street address. Hachette is unable to deliver to PO Boxes.
  • Deadline for entry is 12:00 midnight, Wednesday, June 17, 2009 EST.
  • Winners will have 3 days to respond to my email announcing that they have won; if I don't hear from a winner, I will draw another name.


bloggytreasures said...

I would love to win this!

bloggytreasures said...

I tweeted!

bloggytreasures said...

I put in my list of book giveaways here . Left sidebar.

scottsgal said...

I enjoy his books so please enter me as well

msboatgal at

scottsgal said...

I'm also a follower via google reader

msboatgal at

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good book :) Would love to win it.
WilowRaven AT yahoo DOT com

Bridget said...

Just posted on Win A Book!

Lesley (aka Upper West Side Writer) said...

I would love to win--thanks!


Irene said...

I would love to read this book. It would even be better if I won it! Please count me in. Thank you.

cyeates AT nycap DOT rr Dot rr com

Irene said...

I follow you ala Google.

cyeates AT nycap DOT rr DOT com

mindy said...

looks fabulous thanks for the giveaway

Unknown said...

I would love to win this book, please enter me :)

lavery328 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I have been hearing really good reviews about this book and I am always looking for a new author to add to my list of must reads.

Marie said...

Sounds like a great book, I'd love to read it!

Heather S said...

I'd love a chance to win!! Thanks

hmahan_0529 @ yahoo dot com

Heather S said...

make that 2 chances!! I follow as well! Thanks

cstironkat said...

I would love to win, it would be a nice change from textbooks.

jemscout425 said...

i've heard great things about this book. count me in

Unknown said...

I'm a follower :)

lavery328 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Looks like a good read, please enter me into this drawing.

Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

Annie1 said...

I would love this book!


nancyrobster (at) gmail (dot) com

Annie1 said...

I subscribe via RSS


nancyrrobster (at) gmail (dot) com

Annie1 said...



nancyrobster (at) gmail (dot) com

Dixie said...

You can bet I'd love to win this one.
Thanks for the chance.


Dixie said...

I follow this blog.

Dixie said...

I tweeted.


Alicia said...

Sounds like a good book.

Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<

bloggyig at gmail dot com


looks interesting mrs.mommyyatgmaildotcom

Belinda said...

I would like to win.
1bmore @ gmail . com

Nickolay said...

Looks like a awesome book. Thanks for the chance


janetfaye said...

I would like to win.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...


janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...


janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Katrina said...

I would like to win.

ykatrina at hotmail dot com

Sandra K321 said...

I would like to read this. thanks.

allisonmariecat said...

Please enter me!

allison DOT campbell AT gmail DOT com

Kerri said...

please enter me.

ravndahl (at) hotmail (dot) com

Kerri said...

I'm a follower of your wonderful blog.

Gaby317 said...

I'm a follower

gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com

mark said...

Yes I would like to enter. I'm a fan of Pelecanos and have read a couple of his books. As a matter of fact I just received "The Turnaround", which I'm looking forward to. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I sure would like to read this book.

KR said...

I'd love this.


Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered in your draw. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me. Thanks!


Dawn M. said...

I would love to win this book. Please enter me. :0)

librarygrinch at gmail dot com

Lady Roxi said...

I would love to read this.



wendy wallach said...

I would like to win.

madamerkf at aol dot com

L said...

I'd love to win this!


L said...

I'm a follower.


jwx4 said...

I'd love to read this.
jwx4 at yahoo dot com

Sammie said...

I am interested in reading this book.
Thank you for allowing me to be entered.

SamantharaeM at GMAIL dot COM

Sammie said...

I am a follower.

SamantharaeM at GMAIL dot COM

Ti said...

I'm hearing so much about this book that I feel that I have to read this one :)



@TiBookChatter via Twitter.

Carol M said...

I would love to win this book! Thank you for the giveaway!
Carol M
mittens0831 AT

Carol M said...

I'm an RSS subscriber.
Carol M
mittens0831 AT

judyv12306 said...

This is on my must read list. Thank for the opportunity to win.

Sarah Z said...

Sounds like a great book - I would love to win!
believedreamcourage (at)

A Reader said...

Please enter me.
Thanks for the giveaway!

A Reader said...

Blogged about the giveaway at my blog (see side bar).

Thanks for the giveaway!

M.A.D. said...

zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com

With all the great reviews this one has received, I'd be tickled pink to have a chance to read it! Many Thanks :)

deedee said...

I'd like to be included, thanks!
plusmore678 (at) yahoo (dot) com

LittleEagle said...

I would like to win this book. sharonaquilino(at)hotmail(dot)com

Ellie Wright said...

I've been wanting to read this book. Please enter me.
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Marjorie/cenya2 said...

I can't wait to read this awesome mystery.
Thanks for a great giveaway.

Pamela S said...

This book sounds so intense and scary. I can't wait to read it.


budletsmom said...

I would love to win this book - thanks for the chance.


Sammie said...

I would love to be entered in to your drawing.

SamantharaeM at gmail dot com

Sammie said...

I was wanting to become a follower but it looks as if you DON"T have that widget, so I subscribed via google reader.

SamantharaeM at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would love a chance to win this one! please include me in the raffle. thanks.

ihpie @

Anonymous said...

I would love a chance to read this! Thank you!

Renee G said...

I would love to win a copy to read.


Fokxxy said...

I would love to be entered please. This book looks fantastic!!


Fokxxy said...

I am a follower of your blog.
