Well, thank you! A Sea of Books has been nominated for 2 Book Blogger Appreciation Week Awards! The categories are Best Blog Name and Best General Review Blog.
However, it looks as though I've disqualified myself from the Best General Review Blog category because I've been AWOL and did not submit the requisite 5 posts to the awards panel before the deadline last Friday. I apologize for that both to whomever nominated me as well as to the panel. I've been spread thin with several family obligations, extra work responsibilities, and car trouble! In fact, it will probably be a couple more days before I can publish a book post again.
I'm really tickled to have been nominated -- it was totally unexpected. The nomination for Best General Review Blog has really helped to focus my thoughts on what I want my blog to be and how to achieve that. I'll be spending the next year putting those thoughts into practice, so you can look forward to many improvements over the next few months.
And it's so nice and validating to be nominated in the Best Blog Name category. I've only been blogging since April, and I went through a long list of possible names before choosing A Sea of Books. I even briefly considered changing it a couple of months ago. Looks like I made the right choice!
I'd also like to congratulate all the other nominees and wish you all good luck!
Thank you, again, and please check back in a couple of days for my post onTHE GUERNSEY POTATO PEEL PIE AND LITERARY SOCIETY by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows.