Sunday, July 17, 2011

Mailbox Monday: July 18, 2011

Welcome to my third week of hosting Mailbox Monday during the month of July.  Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia at A Girl and Her Books (f/k/a: The Printed Page)

If you'd like to join in, leave a link or a comment and tell us . . .

What's in your mailbox?

And remember to check the bottom of the post for a special giveaway to all those who link up this week.
The first week's winner was Caitlin of Chaotic Compendiums and she chose the arc copy of THE UNCOUPLING by Meg Wolitzer. The second week's winner is Lori at Psychotic State, and she has yet to choose her book.

by Adena Halpern

Watch for an upcoming giveaway!

by Susan McCorkindale

upcoming giveaway for this one, too!

by Bernie McGill

guess what?! Another one for an upcoming giveaway!
Look for it in August.

by Candice Millard

by Donna Milner

a win from Missy's Book Nook

thanks, Missy!


All participants who link up are automatically entered to win one (1) copy of their choice from the following titles. I'll pick a winner on Wednesday night. (Last week's winner hasn't selected her book yet, so expect a change in the lineup of choices - besides, I'll probably add a book or two!)

THE ICING ON THE CUPCAKE by Jennifer Ross (new, unread paperback)
CRESCENDO by Becca Fitzpatrick (Advance Reader's Copy, unread)
THE MEMORY PALACE by Mira Bartok (Advance Reader's Copy, unread)
THE SECRET LIVES OF BABA SEGI'S WIVES by Lola Shoneyin (duplicate, hardcover, unread)


Aisle B said... 1

I love the cover for Pinch Me. It's too funny and I'll be looking forward to reading your review on it.

Another good week for you I see :)

Congrats to Caitlin and Lori on their wins :)

HAppy reading :)

Kaye said... 2

Butterfly Cabinet and Pinch me look great! Happy reading this week! Enjoy all your new books.

Mary (Bookfan) said... 3

500 Acres And No Place To Hide looks like one I'd enjoy!

Julie said... 4

What a wonderful mailbox! I recently read The Butterfly Cabinet (will be reviewing on Wednesday), and I really liked it. AND .. although I don't do a lot of non-fiction, I've been reading great buzz on Destiny of the Republic! Enjoy!

bermudaonion said... 5

500 Acres and No Place to Hide looks like my kind of book. I hope you love them all.

Laurel-Rain Snow said... 6

You have some great looking books! Hope you enjoy them all....

Staci said... 7

I like the looks of After River hope it's good!!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said... 8

Ohhh..The Butterfly Cabinet looks like a good one; enjoy Gwen

Melissa @ Confessions of an Avid Reader said... 9

Hope you enjoy your new books. I really like the cover of The Butterfly Cabinet and so now I'm curious as to what that one is about.

Anne said... 10

Destiny of the Republic looks great. I love reading Presidential history.

Jenny Q said... 11

Great Mailbox! I've had my eye on The Butterfly Cabinet!

Crystal @ I Totally Paused! said... 12

Ooo, love that After River cover, I hope it's a good one!

Farrah from The Book Faery Reviews said... 13

Some intriguing covers! The Butterfly Cabinet looks interesting. Thanks for sharing your latest books!

Mystica said... 14

All look good - thank you for hosting as well as for the giveaway. Much appreciated.

Ryan said... 15

I love the cover of The Butterfly Cabinet.

Tina said... 16

Thanks so much for hosting....that Jennifer Ross looks like a perfect addtion to my pile of summer cozies.

Jess - A Book Hoarder said... 17

Tons of giveaway books...that's super exciting!!

RAnn said... 18

After the River looks good. Thanks for hosting

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) said... 19

Another busy book week. I got Destiny of the Republic this week too.

Serena said... 20

Looks like you got some good reads. The Destiny of the Republic sounds good.

Anonymous said... 21

All these books look great, but I've really been wanting to read The Memory Palace.

Thanks for holding the giveaway! :)

CMash said... 22

Congratulations on your win. After River looks interesting.

Anonymous said... 23

Great books! Thanks for hosting.

DCMetroreader said... 24

Five Hundred Acres and No Place to Hide looks cute!

Enjoy all your books!

Anna said... 25

Pinch Me has a cute cover. Happy reading!

Chèli said... 26

Finally remembered to post these in time for Monday!

Cheli's Shelves

avisannschild said... 27

You got some great books this week! I love the cover for 500 Acres and No Place to Hide!

Thanks for hosting again!

Laura at Library of Clean Reads said... 28

You've got a great variety of books. Enjoy!

Beth(bookaholicmom) said... 29

The cover on Pinch Me gave me a chuckle! I see many new to me titles in your mailbox that I need to check out. Thanks for hosting MM!

carla said... 30

I'd love to read that 500 Acres book!
Looks like you had a terrific mailbox!

Anonymous said... 31

Looks like you got some good ones. I'm looking forward to The Butterfly Cabinet, too.

Hannah said... 32

I think I have an eARC of The Butterfly Cabinet. I really want to read The Memory Palace!

Martha@Hey, I want to read that said... 33

Great mailbox. I have The Butterfly Cabinet and Destiny of the Republic. I look forward to your reviews of all these.

Lori Johnston said... 34

What a fantastic selection. I LOVE the cover of The Butterfly Cabinet! I look forward to your review.

So excited that I won the giveaway last week - - thanks, Gwendolyn! I sent you an email with my choice; please let me know if you didn't receive it.

Happy Monday!

Michelle Stockard Miller said... 35

You received more great books! Hope you enjoy them. =O)

Renee said... 36

Great batch of books ~ Happy Reading!

Sophia said... 37

Some great books there - any book with a picture of a cow on the front has got to be worth reading!

Anonymous said... 38

What pretty book covers! I'm so glad to be doing the Monday meme's again. Happy reading!